Poster Presentation Australian Microbial Ecology 2019

Isolation and detection of free living amoebae and associated bacteria from water storage tanks around Western Australia (#130)

Natalia Malinowski 1 , Sergio Domingos 2 , Jason Wiley 1 , Geoffrey J Puzon 1
  1. CSIRO Land and Water, Floreat Park, WA, Australia
  2. Water Corporation, Leederville, Western Australia, Australia

Free living amoebae (FLA) and amoebae resistant bacteria (ARBs) are a developing concern for water utilities globally. Several amoebae are resistant to chlorine and monochloramine disinfection in drinking water distribution systems (DWDS). In Western Australia (WA), FLA have been detected in the bulk water and biofilm of regional DWDS with sub-optimal disinfection residuals, however no work has been performed on the bulk water and sediment of drinking water storage tanks (DWSTs). This study investigated the presence and abundance of FLA and ARBs isolated from both bulk water and sediment samples from tanks in WA. Tanks sampled had a free chlorine residual above the required 0.5 mg/L and ranged from 0.57 – 0.96 mg/L. Viability and molecular testing was carried out using culture and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) with melt curve analysis. Multiple viable amoebae were isolated from both bulk water and sediment samples. Molecular testing on total DNA isolates identified the presence of additional amoebae species and ARBs. This study shows that FLA and their associated ARBs are present in both the bulk water and sediment of well chlorinated tanks throughout WA. These findings are important to aid water utilities in monitoring of DWSTs to further protect consumers.